Why the rush? Is the pressure too much?

The surge in COVID-19 cases that started in March, particularly in Metro Manila, resulted in the implementation of stricter community quarantine restrictions. Many offices, including mine, resorted back to work-from-home arrangements. The hope of returning to ‘normal’ soon was derailed by the emerging concerns about the way the virus is transmitted as well as the new variants that came with the easing of restrictions in previous months.

At the household level, this circumstance also impacted the way domestic activities are conducted. Personally, in previous months, my husband and I could already do simple al fresco dining once a week which we scheduled alongside grocery shopping. This was a treat we gave ourselves and also our simple way of relieving stress. But this weekly date was stopped as we shifted to full online shopping for safety purposes.

Looking back at the dishes I prepared, I realized that I seemed to have had an April (adrenaline) rush. I’m not sure if it’s because I had more time or I just had too much stress to vent out. Was I in a cook-off or what?! 😀

On the cooking side, because ‘lugaw is essential’, arroz caldo was my bet.

On the baking side, ube meringue pie took the center stage.

And wait, there’s more! Avocado ice cream was the sweet treat that cooled me down.

Surely, the pandemic impacted us in many and different ways. It could be a loss of a job, a death of a loved one, an illness, an inner struggle, a broken relationship, or even a mere physical distance that robbed precious family time. And as it is impossible to fully understand the pain of a struggle one has personally never experienced, we could simply choose to not judge. Sometimes, it’s better to be kind than to be right.

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