The beauty of rest: A [baker’s] self-reflection

It’s been almost a month since I started taking a break. Actually, it’s the ‘business’ part I’m taking a break from. Prior to this, I was so hyped up by the excitement brought about by people [not too many, actually] placing orders which I gladly took and strived to deliver. Positive feedbacks drove me to work harder and spend extra hours baking without realizing how much was too much [for me] because I always told myself, “I’m happy doing what I’m doing, so it’s okay. I can do it.”

Then a series of not-so-happy events happened, which left me no choice but to take a break. These included my [main] oven breaking down, having additional family schedules to attend to, and the realization that I didn’t have a ‘business’ plan — more so a sustainability plan for that matter. It didn’t completely dawn on me until recently that a simple passion taken to a notch higher does require serious time, resources, and skills other than baking skill itself. Thus, to sustain it requires a ‘real’ plan taking into consideration the realities of competing family, work, and ‘business’ priorities.

Yes, I’m taking a break so I won’t break. Although I, honestly, miss the ‘busy’ days. But I know that there’s time for everything. And as I take a break, I still occasionally bake [and cook] for family and friends. I’m still doing it with the same amount of passion but with lesser [though not totally without] self-imposed pressure. It’s also an opportunity to enhance the craft by trying more recipes and ‘perfecting’ them in an unhurried manner.

This I tell myself: “Rest if you must, but don’t forget to bake!” And I don’t.

These were some of the dishes I made since I took a break. And I hope to add many more to the list.

Thank you for journeying with me as I slowly try to find my own little place in this big [and somehow intimidating] culinary world. The trust, appreciation, encouragement, and constructive criticisms from family and friends truly help me stay the course. <3

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