Taking My Chance: One dish at a time

Being an introvert, I’ve always been hesitant to share anything personal with others, especially through social media. On Facebook, my current network is limited only to a little over a hundred people. I do post about important milestones, but with much caution and careful choice of words. This is so, perhaps, because I am so anxious. I’ve always felt that social media is so big and busy. It simply overwhelms me most of the time. In my observation, it also has become a platform to judge and break others more than to build and understand. Although, I may be wrong. Maybe it’s just me and my anxious self.

As such, it took me a long while to decide and try the idea of blogging about my cooking and baking passion. Many years back, my husband thought that I wanted to write about my travels because I used to regularly review places, particularly hotel service and amenities. But, honestly, I am so poor at names and directions that I find it hard to remember details of places I’d been. Thus, writing about them in detail can be more challenging.

Around the second week of June this year, my husband asked me for the three best photos of the food I recently cooked and baked. I obliged and, to my surprise, he already had a blog cover page prepared! πŸ˜€

I felt excited to fill the pages with words but had to spend time browsing, selecting, and organizing photos as well as writing the stories behind them. It’s a lot of catching up but, around 2 months back, I created a customized album on Facebook about my first and repeat tries of cooked dishes and baked goodies. To be honest, I only dared to share this album with a few people in my inner circle. But this album indeed helped me to kick off my blog.

With the blog site ready, I excitedly wrote my first story and asked a few close friends for feedback. The generous and honest comments and suggestions I got made me a bit braver to embark on this ‘coming-out-of-my-shell’ thrust.

On the road to expressing myself better, I’ve decided to take it slowly from here: soak up the moment, one dish at a time, but with more love and delight. πŸ˜€

2 thoughts on “Taking My Chance: One dish at a time

    1. loida Post author

      Thank you, Jb! Yes, you can do the same and even better. Practice makes perfect. πŸ™‚


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