Sourdough Bread Goals: Fuller Bloom and More Open Crumb

Surely, my last two bakes were a success. The loaves were edible already, but I know much can still be improved. The goals have always been achieving a fuller bloom and more open crumb. All factors considered, I felt that these could only be achieved with the right bakeware. So I finally put an end to my months-long decision-making struggle on whether to get a Dutch over or not. I got my self one and I wasn’t disappointed!

The result was amazing and I was so happy! The loaves bloomed after the first bake (the first 20-minute bake). It must really be the steam trapped inside the pot due to its tight-fitting lid. It seems that I got more hooked on sourdough breadmaking now because of this.

I hope to be able to maximize the use of this bakeware despite having time to bake only during weekends. And when I get extra time even during weekdays, I would surely grab the chance to pop this pan in the oven to bake refreshing bread just like this one!

I know it’s too late for this greeting, but better late than never so “Happy World Bread Day! 😀

4 thoughts on “Sourdough Bread Goals: Fuller Bloom and More Open Crumb

  1. Dea

    Hi Ate Loids! Dropping my hello from here! I wonder what a dutch oven is and what other purpose can it do other than for baking sourdough breads? Really keen to trying out making sourdough when i have the time and focus. Im really curious about the method and all the special effects that goes along with the process haha.

    1. loida Post author

      Hi, Dea! 😀 A Dutch oven is a cast-iron pot that is thick-walled, heavy and has a tight-fitting lid. Aside from baking sourdough bread, you can also use it for frying, roasting, etc. on stove top, grill, and oven. The tight-fitting lid enables it to trap or retain heat inside, thus retaining food moisture during long cooking time. Glad to hear you are interested in sourdough breadmaking, too. It’s gonna be fun, especially when you successfully bake your first loaf. I also look forward to hearing your story when you embark on your sourdough breadmaking. 😀


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