Play with colors: Ice cream, cooler drink, and ice lollies!

Sunny days aren’t back yet. While this post might seem untimely since it’s been raining a lot lately, I still want to share some ‘cool’ treats ideas to try with the kiddos when Mr. Sun shines back. 🌞

My son usually gets his sweet treats during weekends. When it comes to ice cream, cookies and cream is his favorite. While treats like this taste great, I feel guilty about giving it to him considering how much sugar it contains. Thus, we share half and half just to cut his sugar intake a bit. I always wished to be able to make homemade ice cream but thought I needed a machine. It’s my resolve to make my version a healthier choice for my kid.

In late April, I saw a video of homemade ice cream recipe that didn’t require an ice cream maker. It’s so easy to make and needs only at least three ingredients: chosen flavor, condensed milk, and whip cream. These ingredients are still sugary, but the amount can be adjusted as to your preference. Since the kiddo likes mashed avocado with powdered milk, I used this fruit on my first attempt at homemade ice cream. I adjusted the recipe by cutting the amount of condensed milk in half.

Two months after, I tried a three-flavor ice cream just to play with colors. Thus, I served the kiddo the avocado-kiwi-dragon fruit trio. Avocado flavor still came first in order of preference, followed by dragon fruit. Kiwi, despite being the gold sweeter variety, was least preferred due to its natural sour taste; thus, I ended up eating most of it by myself. πŸ˜…

Dragon fruit makes a really colorful dessert so I tried it again for ice cream and cooler drink. Since this fruit is watery and less sweet, I think additional sweetener might be needed if so preferred.

Enjoying sweet and colorful fruit-flavored treats once in a while are fun for kids and adults alike. I just learned how easy it is to make ice lollies from our favorite smoothies which my kiddo and I can indulge in occasionally. ❀

10 thoughts on “Play with colors: Ice cream, cooler drink, and ice lollies!

  1. Plle Mendoza

    These cold treats looks so yummy (I actually got to try the dragonfruit ice cream, hihihi)! Please share the simple recipe so I can also start serving healthier sweet and cold treats to my family! Thanks.

    1. loida Post author

      Thank you, Plle! I’m happy you liked the ice cream. Sure, I’ll email you the recipe. πŸ™‚

  2. Mackee Garcia

    Wow! Looks healthy and yummy, Ate Loids! πŸ˜€ <3 The fruit cooler drink and mini sponge cakes seem to be a good combo. πŸ˜€

  3. Lyn Magboo-Reyes

    Wow… looks so yummy. I’m sure Sam will like it too. Thank you for sharing Loids. Looking for more treats from you

    1. loida Post author

      Thank you, Lyn! Try the ice lollies for Sam. I think those are the treats with the least sugar. πŸ™‚ My big boy already got his Oreo ice cream today for afternoon snacks. πŸ˜…

  4. susan m. carandang

    Looks yummy Day Loids and I love the way you played with colors for your ice cream experiment. Would appreciate if you can also share the recipe with me.

  5. Jb

    The desserts looks tasty! ☺ I’m trying to make some ice lollies or popsicles. Do you use blender or mixer? For the case, do you use milk or cream? Thanks!

    1. loida Post author

      Thank you, Jb! 😊 I used blender for the ice lollies. You mean ice cream cake? I used butter frosting (butter and powdered sugar).


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