One, two, three… Say cheese!

Among other things, I have fascination with cheese. I find it very interesting — both process and product. I love watching cheesemaking videos, even repetitive at times. It’s actually my dream to visit a cheese factory in Europe (where the usual settings of the videos I watch are) and get inside a cheese cellar. I imagine myself being towered by stacks of cheese wheels and I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be an amazing experience. Likewise, it’s equally interesting to visit an artisanal cheesemaking shop where the process starts from milking the livestock in the backyard farm to the actual making of cheese by hand.

I once was able to dine in a restaurant in Switzerland which served a variety of cheese, many of which with names I was not even familiar with. I could still remember how my eyes lit up at the sight of cheese at that moment. Gladly, I have high tolerance for cheese varieties that have stronger (pungent) odor. I always get the same level of excitement whenever I get the chance to eat at buffet restaurants with a cheese selection both here and abroad.

Admittedly, cheese isn’t cheap in the Philippines. Thus, it’s never been a frequent luxury. That’s why on rare chances I get, I prepare a simple cheese board as a personal treat. It’s much cheaper and more practical than store-bought one (I received a cheese box on two occasions and they’re quite pricey!). Recently, I saw a video about homemade cheese. I’m tempted to try making one at least once.

By the way, the wine is only for picture-taking purposes as I am allergic to alcoholic beverages. Nonetheless, with or without wine, cheese is the best. Truly, one of my simple joys! <3

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