Kitchen journey: What a wonderful year it has been!

Time flies! It’s already been a year since I wrote and posted my first blog. Loida’s Kitchen, which started as The Muffins Project, has taken baby steps and is now officially a toddler! It’s been a year full of passion, joy, experiences, lessons, and dreams with bumps along the way.

In retrospect, courage to embark on food blogging didn’t come easily. In fact, the early part of the journey was clouded with anxiety and self-doubt. But the lessons learned along the way were priceless. Thus, it’s all worth it.

And now I ask myself, “Where will I go from here?” Some advised me to continue taking baby steps. Others said it might be time to take some bold ones. I’m honestly happy to have been able to share my craft with families and friends. The appreciation, encouragement, and constructive criticisms I received gave me joy and pushed me to do better every time.

Since ‘food is my love language’, I’m happy to serve others with dishes I devotedly prepared. And most of all, I want to continue to capture those eyes that light up and those lips that flash the sweetest smile everytime he’s served a meal.

Rquested: ube- and oreo-flavored burnt Basque cheesecakes; Bonus: ube cheese pandesal and ube cream cheese roll

I don’t want to lose sight of the reason why I do what I do. I don’t want the joy of discoveries to be replaced with stress over aim for perfection at the soonest time possible.

I just want to be in the moment doing what I love doing with and/or for the people I love and care about.

God causes all things to grow and He makes everything beautiful in its time. This is the promise I hold on to.

Thank you for journeying with me.

2 thoughts on “Kitchen journey: What a wonderful year it has been!

  1. mars

    Congratulations, Ma’am! I’m happy for you and I’m sure your son is your avid fan and always your first costumer. I hope I will get the chance to taste some of your baked goods, Ma’am.

    1. loida Post author

      Thank you, Ms. Mar! Sure, which one do you like to try? I’d be happy to bake for you, too. 🙂


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