The Giving Starters

It’s been a while since I wrote about my last bake of sourdough bread. I did take a short break from writing but had been busy baking. I’m grateful to my sourdough starters that keep on giving!

When I look at each freshly baked sourdough bread, I can’t help being amazed. Each bread comes out unique! While the scoring lines do serve as a guide to the intended design, a slightly different bloom may still come out. This gives me excitement every time I bake. Honestly, I haven’t gotten hold of a baker’s lame yet but I hope to get one soon. Nonetheless, with the simple available tool I currently use, I still fully appreciate how wonderful each bread comes out each baking time.

And lo and behold! In those silent yet busy days, I was able to make several bread which were shared with family and some friends.

To further reminisce, I’m sharing here again the photos of my earlier sourdough bread versions made from the same starters.

Again, I’m grateful to my giving starters. They are still alive and kicking. And even with the very little attention I’m giving them lately, they still allow me to continue baking each unique bread to share with others. Carefully wrapped and gladly shared, here are some photos of them.

By the way, I’m keeping only two starters as less is more manageable. The older one is 96 days old while the other is 76 days old. I wonder how many more bread I can make from them as they continue to mature.

Well, as a personal Advent season reflection, I think it’s the same with God. He keeps on giving even when we do not deserve it, even when we’re too busy for Him oftentimes. He fearfully and wonderfully made us, too — unique with all our individual strengths and flaws.

Ending this last blog entry for 2021 with a prayer that everyone may still have a merry and blessed Christmas. Grateful for this year and hopeful for the coming new year. πŸ˜€

2 thoughts on “The Giving Starters

  1. janice

    Also grateful to you and to your starters for the sourdough that you sent! We really enjoyed it and the husband said it’s better than the one that he usually buys! And I really think mine had the prettiest design 🌸🌷🌸 – thanks to your thoughtful and careful scoring! You should include the pic of the one you sent me here!

    1. loida Post author

      Wow! Thank you for the generous compliment, Janice! ❀ I will include the photo of the bread I sent you when I post another blog about sourdough bread. Hopefully soon. 😊


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