Chocolate drip cake: My first attempt at a ‘real’ cake

It’s gonna be the kiddo’s birthday in two weeks’ time. And since I haven’t made a ‘real’ cake yet, I decided to have a practice today. I’ve been wanting to bake a nice birthday cake for him at least once while he can still genuinely appreciate it. Last year, it was just cupcakes.

The original recipe was a red velvet drip cake but for some reason, the cake batter didn’t turn red at all. Perhaps, the red food color was overpowered by the cocoa powder. Nonetheless, the cake was nice and moist.

The cream cheese frosting turned out fine. The challenge, however, was in applying it on the cake. Whoa, I realized later on that I spent three hours on this step! I tried so hard to smoothen the sides but every time I scraped, the frosting on the bottom layer kept thinning out. Working with a soft frosting was another challenge so I kept chilling the cake. The cake got in and out of the fridge four times until I finally settled for the not-so-smooth cake.

The ganache was supposedly red but I didn’t have white chocolates so I just made a milk chocolate ganache. And since it’s a drip cake, there should be nice drippings. While it wasn’t drippy enough, the ganache at least covered some of the cake frosting imperfections.

And to make use of the cake trimmings or scraps, I made two mini cake tubs.

As I worked on this practice chocolate drip cake for a total of six hours, I thought for a while if I would still be doing the actual birthday cake. But practice makes perfect and patience pays off. And the best motivation is it’s gonna be for the birthday boy! So, go for the goal! ๐Ÿ˜€

Honestly, cream cheese frosting is delicious but I think I’d rather have buttercream frosting for a birthday cake. ๐Ÿ˜€

4 thoughts on “Chocolate drip cake: My first attempt at a ‘real’ cake

  1. janice

    A labor of love for the little one! I think you did very well and if you did not mention, I would not think it was just a โ€œpractice cakeโ€. And look at that mouthwatering slice ๐Ÿฐ – so clean and neat no evidence that you struggled with the cream cheese frosting.


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