Bread-y go! Knead some dough!

One of the things that the pandemic changed in our family life is our breakfast. Pre-pandemic, we’re used to having rice for breakfast as the kiddo needed to go to school and take packed lunch. However, being in the province for 10 months, we learned to eat bread for breakfast and adapted to do so even after moving back to Manila. Bread has since become a staple for us.

The thing is, there are not many good choices from commercial bread both in terms of nutrition and taste. They are generally sugar-loaded. Should you opt for the healthier whole wheat bread, I bet you wouldn’t have it 7 days a week!

In the early years of my baking quest, I always chose the less complicated recipes for muffins, cupcakes, cookies, and the like. Many times, I even used store-bought mixes and just did the frosting and toppings. But due to our recently changed breakfast meal pattern, I was challenged to expand my baking experience to include bread. It took me a while to be comfortable with and muster the courage of baking bread using yeast. Thanks to Dea for the encouragement! By the way, she’s the aunt from my first blog who gifted my son with a real chef apron and hat.

I excitedly baked dinner rolls. The images of freshly baked dinner rolls served in one of the local hotels in Ortigas made me salivate, thus I immediately baked a batch. It didn’t turn out as expected on the first try and couldn’t even say much better the second time. It took me 4 tries to get a so-so result. Nonetheless, it’s a consolation that my first attempt at pandesal turned out fine.

On my breaks from my new bread-making quest, I made some non-yeast treats like muffins, cookies, mini chiffon cakes, banana bread, and even homemade tortilla wrap.

And for my boys who like coconut cream dishes, “here’s laing, my darling!” with creamy carbonara. I may have acquired some fascination for Thai food like this basil spam-shrimp fried rice but, to them, this herb comes too strong for an aroma.

Some things in the kitchen – or life, in general – do not always turn out as expected; sometimes even with a fool-proof recipe or a manual. But as practice makes perfect, purpose keeps me in the course. And with this constantly excited-to-taste-test kiddo with me, I must say I’m bread-y! 😀

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