Hi, I’m Loida

I’m a mom to a young boy who loves to eat and whose smile gives me pure joy every time he’s served a meal. It might be a cliché, but food is my love language. 

I love cooking and baking. Childhood memories of simple menus prepared by family and relatives inspired me to explore this passion more recently. One thing to thank the pandemic for, I got time to do so while having more time at home.

I’m no expert on any dish but just a learner. Passion drives me to prepare better meals for my loved ones – family and friends alike – and see the smiles in their eyes caused by a filled stomach and a happy heart.

I work with my hands, share my heart, and speak my mind. I write about bits and pieces of my aspirations, experiences, self-discoveries, and lessons learned in and around the kitchen. And by sharing about food and life, I hope to inspire.