Pancake goals! Why not?

On days that we run out of bread, we normally resort to having pancakes for breakfast. Of course, it’s the pancake mix, boxed stuff. In fairness, it’s easy to prepare and the taste can always be elevated when topped with butter and honey or maple syrup if we have.

Sometime last month, as we neither had bread nor pancake mix left, our househelp volunteered to prepare homemade pancakes. At the breakfast table, I had this convo with the kiddo:

Kiddo: Mom, why are these pancakes not fluffy?

Me: Because they’re not from the ‘boxed’ pancake mix we usually have. Okay, I will try to make fluffy pancakes next time.

Yet my promised ‘next time’ seemed to be a self-imposed deadline for a ‘Martha’ mom like me. I immediately searched for fluffy homemade pancake recipes. I watched several videos which seemed easy to follow. Two days later, I tried what they call Japanese soufflé pancakes.

While the name seems elegant, the preparation isn’t a breeze. The recipe requires quite some eggs for just a few medium-sized cakes. Cooking is fun but takes some time and patience, too! But the nice thing is the jiggly pancakes on your plate if you happen to have the patience to make them in the right thickness.

Well, I was able to make only 4 medium-sized soufflé pancakes that were not really jiggly and thick. Nonetheless, the kiddo almost finished them all up and I was only able to take a few bites!

I think I need to be willing to use more ingredients and be more patient with cooking next time to achieve the ideal soufflé pancakes, both in terms of appearance and serving sizes. Anyway, who wouldn’t want to indulge in these elegant Japanese soufflé pancakes? 😀

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