Mother Starter turns 1! I love you, Sourdough! <3

To quote from my second to the last blog, “In sourdough breadmaking, the baker develops a sense of fondness for and attachment to the experience. The process … is somewhat a kind of delicate relationship that the baker nourishes in anticipation of the end result. That is, a sourdough bread that is always unique.” And reaching one year into this breadmaking experience proves that I somehow have been able to successfully play my part in this give-and-take relationship. As such, I am happy and grateful.

While from the start I was actually wishing to grow my sourdough mother starter for as long as possible, I did not exactly expect it to reach even a year old given the maintenance requirements — time and care. A few times I thought I was losing my mother starter due to my busyness resulting in my unintentional neglect of it. Nonetheless, I am grateful it has been able to hold on and has given me as many loaves as I can possibly bake all year long. To count, it’s about 70 boule and batard breads in all shared with family and friends alike.

My whole experience in sourdough breadmaking has taught me patience to try and try until I succeed; has given me excitement to anticipate each and every resulting bread; and has allowed me to dream a little bit more — yes, a dream to have a kitchen dedicated only for baking. And whether that dream comes true in the near or far future, I hope my mother starter can stay that long.

Happy first, Mother Starter! Cheers to another year of more freshly baked sourdough bread to serve and enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Mother Starter turns 1! I love you, Sourdough! <3

  1. jana

    Happy birthday Mother Starter! Libras are really the bestest! 😁

    And congratulations to our Mother baker – 70 SDs 😮, that’s a lot of bread!

    1. loida Post author

      Thank you, Jana! Mother is very resilient and patient and is staying with me even on my busiest days. I wish to be more active in baking again soon. ❤️


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